Gensys Infocare supports the manufacturing segment with the services lifecycle of products are constantly evaluated and improvised to offer higher yields performance and cost to customers.


Indoz Callnet supports customers with production facilities aligned to both suppliers and customers. Our service extends Purchase and delivery management, recovery management, after sales and service helpdesk support and back-office (supplier management, finance and accounting, inventory management, etc.).

Indoz Callnet delivery model leverages our multi-location, using our distribution centers throughout America, Europe, Asia and Africa, for direct services and profitability management functions office first half of the back for our customers.

Indoz Callnet manage our services with a mix of professionals, tools and frameworks of excellence in internal processes to ensure timely and efficient delivery of services to all stakeholders. Our services also extend to the improvement processes and operations rationalization initiatives, such as the analysis of management initiatives supply chain, technical sales and business transformation that assess, evaluate and improve the model operating the client.